ASPC Publications


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“Correlative Information Maximization: A Biologically Plausible Approach to Supervised Deep Neural Networks without Weight Symmetry” Bariscan Bozkurt, Cengiz Pehlevan and Alper T. Erdogan Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS  2023), Dec 2023.

“A Bayesian Perspective for Determinant Minimization Based Robust Structured Matrix Factorization
Gokcan Tatli and Alper T. Erdogan ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, June 2023.

“Correlative Information Maximization Based Biologically Plausible Neural Networks for Correlated Source Separation” Bariscan Bozkurt, Ates Isfendiyaroglu, Cengiz Pehlevan and Alper T. Erdogan  Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023), May 2023.

“Self-Supervised Learning with an Information Maximization Criterion” Serdar Ozsoy, Shadi Hamdan, Sercan Ö. Arik, Deniz Yuret and Alper T. Erdogan Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS  2022), Nov-Dec 2022.

“Biologically-Plausible Determinant Maximization Neural Networks for Blind Separation of Correlated Sources” Bariscan Bozkurt, Cengiz Pehlevan and  Alper T. Erdogan Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), Nov-Dec 2022.

“An Information Maximization Based Blind Source Separation Approach for Dependent and Independent Sources” Alper T. Erdogan ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 4378-4382, May 2022.

“On Identifiable Polytope Characterization for Polytopic Matrix Factorization” Bariscan Bozkurt  and Alper T. Erdogan ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 3343-3347, May 2022.

“Polytopic Matrix Factorization: Determinant Maximization Based Criterion and Identifiability”, Gokcan Tatli and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol:69, pp. 5431-5447, September 2021.

“Generalized Polytopic Matrix Factorization” Gokcan Tatli and Alper T. Erdogan ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 3235-3239, June 2021

Time and Frequency Based Sparse Bounded Component Analysis Algorithms for Convolutive Mixtures”, Eren Babatas and Alper T. Erdogan, Signal Processing, August 2020.

“Blind Bounded Source Separation Using Neural Networks with Local Learning Rules” Alper T. Erdogan and Cengiz Pehlevan ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 3812-3816, April 2020.

“Channel Estimation for Massive MIMO: A Semiblind Algorithm Exploiting QAM Structure” Baki Berkay Yilmaz and Alper T. Erdogan, 2019 53rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 2077-2081, November, 2019.

“Online Bounded Component Analysis: A Simple Recurrent Neural Network with Local Update Rule for Unsupervised Separation of Dependent and Independent Sources” 2019 53rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 1639-1643, November 2019.

“Compressed Training Based Massive MIMO” Baki Berkay Yilmaz and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol.67, no.5 pp.1191-1206, March 2019.

“An Algorithmic Framework for Sparse Bounded Component Analysis” Eren Babatas and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol.66, no.19, pp.5194-5205, October 2018.

“Sparse Bounded Component Analysis for Convolutive Mixtures”, Eren Babatas and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing April 2018.

“Stationary Point Characterization for a Class of BCA Algorithms” Huseyin A. Inan, Alper T. Erdogan and Sergio Cruces, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol.65, no.20, pp.5437-5452, October 2017.

“Single Carrier Frequency Domain Compressed Training Adaptive Equalization”, Baki Berkay Yilmaz and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers October 2017.

“DOA estimation of low altitude target based on bounded component analysis algorithm”, Eren Babatas and Alper T. Erdogan, IET International Conference on Radar Systems October 2017.

“Compressed Training Adaptive Equalization: Algorithms and Analysis” Baki B. Yilmaz and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol.65, no.1, pp.3907-3921, September 2017.

“Sparse Bounded Component Analysis”, Eren Babatas and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2016) September, 2016.

“MIMO Compressed Training Adaptive Equalization”, Baki Berkay Yilmaz and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2016) July, 2016.

“Compressed Training Adaptive Equalization”, Baki Berkay Yilmaz and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE ICASSP 2016, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, March 20-25, 2016.

“An Extended Family of Bounded Component Analysis Algorithms” , Huseyin A. Inan and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE 48th Asilomar Conference onSignals, Systems and Computers , vol., no., pp.442-445, 2-5 Nov. 2015.

“Convolutive Bounded Component Analysis Algorithms for Independent and Dependent Source Separation” Huseyin A. Inan and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol: 26, No:4, pp: 697-708, April 2015.

“A Convolutive Bounded Component Analysis Framework for Potentially Nonstationary Independent and/or Dependent Sources” Huseyin A. Inan and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol:63, No:1, pp:18-30, January 2015.

“A Class of Bounded Component Analysis Algorithms for the Separation of Both Independent and Dependent Sources”, Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol:61, No:22, pp:5730-5743, November 2013.

“A Bounded Component Analysis Approach for the Separation of Convolutive Mixtures of Dependent and Independent Sources”, Huseyin A. Inan and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2013.

“On the Convergence of Symmetrically Orthogonalized Bounded Component Analysis Algorithms for Uncorrelated Source Separation”, Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol:60, No: 11, pp:6058-6063, November, 2012.

“Video Based Tracking of Single Molecules Exhibiting Directed In-Frame Motion”, M. Yavuz Yuce, Alper T. Erdogan, Alexandr Jonas and Alper Kiraz, Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol: 18, No:4, pp:781-792, August 2012.

“A Family of Bounded Component Analysis Algorithms”, Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 2012.

“Robust Turbo Equalization Under Channel Uncertainties”, Nargiz Kalantarova, S. Serdar Kozat and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol: 60, No:1, pp: 261-273, January 2012.

“Transient Analysis of Adaptive Affine Combinations”, S. Serdar Kozat, Alper T. Erdogan, A.C. Singer and A.H. Sayed, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol: 59, No:12, pp: 6227-6232, December 2011.

“Discrete Complex Image Method with Automatic Order Selection”, E. Pinar Karabulut, A. T. Erdogan and M. I. Aksun, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol: 59, No:10, pp: 2385-2393, October 2011.

“Convergence Analysis for a Class of Source Separation Methods”, Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE International Symposium on Information Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT) , October 2011

“Single Molecule Tracking with Kalman Filtering”, M. Yavuz Yuce, Alper T. Erdogan, Alexandr Jonas and Alper Kiraz, OSA Frontiers in Optics , October 2011.

“Velocity Estimation of Mobile Single Molecules for Improved Position Accuracy”, M. Yavuz Yuce, Alper T. Erdogan, Alexandr Jonas and Alper Kiraz, IEEE International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN) , August 2011.

“Discrete Complex Image Method with Spatial Error Criterion and Automatic Order Selection”, E. Pinar Karabulut, A. T. Erdogan and M. I. Aksun, IEEE International Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI), July 2011.

“Spatial Error Criterion for Discrete Complex Image Method”, E. Pinar Karabulut, A. T. Erdogan and M. I. Aksun, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), April 2011.

“Discrete Complex Image Method with Spatial Error Criterion”, E. Pinar Karabulut, A. T. Erdogan and M. I. Aksun, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol: 59, No:4, pp: 793-802, April 2011.

“Robust Turbo Equalization Under Channel Uncertainties”, Nargiz Kalantarova, S. Serdar Kozat and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), January 2011.

“Steady State MSE Performance Analysis of Mixture Approaches to Adative Filtering”, S. Serdar Kozat, Alper T. Erdogan, A.C. Singer and A.H. Sayed, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol: 58, No:8, pp: 4050-4063, August 2010.

“Unbiased Model Combinations for Adaptive Filtering”, S. Serdar Kozat, A.C. Singer, Alper T. Erdogan and A.H. Sayed, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol: 58, No:8, pp: 4421-4427, August 2010.

“Adaptive Receiver Structures for Fiber Communication Systems Employing Polarization Division Multiplexing: High Symbol Rate Case”, Turgut M. Oktem, Alper T. Erdogan and Alper Demir, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol: 28, No:10, pp: 1536-1546, May 2010.

“Competitive Linear Estimation Under Channel Uncertainties”, S. Serdar Kozat and, Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol: 58, No:4, pp: 2388-2393, April 2010.

“Adaptive Receiver Structures for Fiber Communication Systems Employing Polarization Division Multiplexing”, Turgut M. Oktem, Alper T. Erdogan and Alper Demir, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol: 27, No:23, pp: 5394-5404, December 2009.

“On the Convergence of ICA Algorithms with Symmetric Orthogonalization”, Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol: 57, No:6, pp: 2209-2221, June 2009.

“Comparison of Convex Combination and Affine Combination of Adaptive Filters”, Alper T. Erdogan, S. Serdar Kozat and Andrew C. Singer, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 2009.

“Emulation and Inversion of Polarization Mode Dispersion: A Lumped System and {PADE} Approximation Perspective”, Alper Demir and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol: 26, No:17-20, pp: 3071-3089, September 2008.

“Adaptive Algorithm for the Blind Separation of Sources with Finite Support”, Alper T. Erdogan, Proceedings of the 16th European Signal Processing Conference, August 2008.

“Automatic PMD Compensation by Unsupervised Polarization Diversity Combining Coherent Receivers”, Turgut M. Oktem, Alper T. Erdogan and Alper Demir, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol: 26, No:13, pp: 1823-1834, July 2008.

“The Convergence Analysis of the Complex ICA Algorithms with Symmetric Orthogonalization”, Alper T. Erdogan, Proceedings of IEEE Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference, April 2008.

“On the Convergence of ICA Algorithms with Symmetric Orthogonalization”, Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 2008.

“A Fractionally Spaced Algorithm with Global Convergence”, Alper T. Erdogan, Signal Processing, Vol: 88, No:1, pp: 200-209, Jan 2008.

“A Blind Fractionally Spaced Equalization Algorithm with Global Convergence”, Alper T. Erdogan, Proceedings of IEEE Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference, June 2007.

“Globally Convergent Deflationary Instantaneous Blind Source Separation Algorithm for Digital Communication Signals”, Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol: 55, No:5, pp: 2182-2192, May 2007.

“A Low Complexity Multicarrier PAR Reducation Approach Based on Subgradient Optimization”, Alper T. Erdogan, Signal Processing, Vol: 86, No:12, pp: 3890-3903, December 2006.

“On the Convergence of Subgradient Based Blind Equalization Algorithm”, Alper T. Erdogan, Signal Processing, Vol: 86, No:12, pp: 3732-3738, December 2006.

“An Adaptive Paraunitary Approach for Blind Equalization of All Equalizable MIMO Channels”, Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2006.

“Adaptive Paraunitary Filter Methods for The Blind Equalization of Frequency Selective Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Channels”, Turgut M. Oktem and Alper T. Erdogan, Proceedings of IEEE Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference, April 2006.

“MIMO Linear Equalization with an H-infinity Criterion”, Babak Hassibi, Alper T. Erdogan and Thomas Kailath, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol: 54, No:2, pp: 499-511, February 2006.

“A Simple Geometric Blind Source Separation Method for Bounded Magnitude Sources”, Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol: 54, No:2, pp: 438-446, February 2006.

“A Moving Window Algorithm for l-Infinity Norm Based Blind Source Separation Approach”, Alper T. Erdogan, Proceedings of the 13th European Signal Processing Conference, September 2005.

“Fast and Low Complexity Blind Equalization via Subgradient Projections”, Alper T. Erdogan and Can Kizilkale, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol: 53, No:7, pp: 2513-2524, July 2005.

“A Blind Separation Approach for Magnitude Bounded Sources”, Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 2005.

“On Robust Signal Reconstruction in Noisy Filter Banks”, Haris Vikalo, Babak Hassibi, Alper T. Erdogan and Thomas Kailath, Signal Processing, Vol: 85, No:1, pp: 1-14, January 2005.

“A Fast Blind Equalization Method Based On Subgradient Projections”, Can Kizilkale and Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2004.

“A Subgradient Algorithm for Low Complexity DMT-PAR Minimization”, Alper T. Erdogan, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2004..

“A Moving Window Approach for Blind Equalization Using Subgradient Projections”, Can Kizilkale and Alper T. Erdogan, Proceedings of IEEE Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference, April 2004.

“MIMO Decision Feedback Equalization from an H-Infinity Perspective”, Alper T. Erdogan, Babak Hassibi and Thomas Kailath, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol: 52, No:3, pp: 734-745, March 2004.

“Efficient Implementation of Echo Canceller for Applications with Asymmetric Rates”, Alper T. Erdogan, Bijit Halder, Tzu-Hsien Sang and Ahmet Karakas, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2003.

“FIR H-Infinity Equalization”, Alper T. Erdogan, Babak Hassibi and Thomas Kailath, Signal Processing, Vol: 81, No:3, pp: 907-917, March 2001.

“On Linear H-Infinity Equalization of Communication Channels”, Alper T. Erdogan, Babak Hassibi and Thomas Kailath, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol: 48, No:11, pp: 3227-3231, November 2000.

“Exponential-Quadratic Signal Reconstruction in Noisy Filter Banks”, Haris Vikalo, Alper T. Erdogan, Babak Hassibi and Thomas Kailath, Proceedings of SPIE, August 2000.

“FIR H-Infinity Equalization”, Alper T. Erdogan, Babak Hassibi and Thomas Kailath, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), June 2000.

“Decision Feedback Equalization from an H-Infinity Perspective”, Alper T. Erdogan, Babak Hassibi and Thomas Kailath, Proceedings of NSIP 99 Conference, June 1999.

“Equalization with an H-Infinity Criterion”, Babak Hassibi, Alper T. Erdogan and Thomas Kailath, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), August 1998.

“H-Infinity Equalization of Communication Channels”, Alper T. Erdogan, Babak Hassibi and Thomas Kailath, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 1998.

“The Effect of Directional Antennas in CDMA Wireless Local Loop Systems”, Alper T. Erdogan, Ayman F. Naguib and Arogyaswami Paulraj, MPRG Wireless Communications Symposium, June 1995.


“Method and System for Computing Pre-Equalizer Coefficients”, Alper T. Erdogan, Bijit Halder and Tzu-Hsien Sang, July 2006. (US Patent No: 7 076 514)

“Method and System for Implementing A Sigma Delta Analog-to-Digital Converter”, Alper T. Erdogan, Chung-Li Lu and Bijit Halder, September 2004. (US Patent No: 6 788 236)

“Method and System for Rate Enhanced SHDSL”, Bijit Halder, Debojyati Pal and Alper T. Erdogan. (US Patent Application)

“Method and System for Implementing A Reduced Complexity Dual Rate Echo Canceller”, Ahmet Karakas, Alper T. Erdogan and Bijit Halder. (US Patent Application)

“Method and System for Implementing A Reduced Complexity Dual Rate Echo Canceller”, Bijit Halder and Alper T. Erdogan. (US Patent Application)

“Method and System for Implementing Weighted Vector Echo Cancellers”, Tzu-Hsien Sang, Alper T. Erdogan and Bijit Halder. (US Patent Application)

“Method and System for Adaptively Training Time Domain Equalizers”, Alper T. Erdogan, Bijit Halder and Tzu-Hsien Sang. (US Patent Application)

“Method and System for Shortening Channel Impulse Response Using Time Domain Equalizer Filter”, Alper T. Erdogan. (US Patent Application)